Counselling Code : B.E, B.Tech - 5862, B.Arch - 5863

Biomedical Engineering - Department

Biomedical Engineering - Department

The Department of Biomedical Engineering is to develop clinically translatable solutions for human health by training the next generation of biomedical engineers, cultivating leaders, and nurturing the integration of science, engineering and medicine in a discovery-centered environment. The main educational objective is to provide a through training in the fundamentals of engineering science, design, and biology. The Curriculum is designed to provide concepts central to understanding living systems from the molecular and cellular levels to the tissue and organismal levels. The curriculum incorporates principles of vertical integration, leading to the choice of a technical area (biomedical imaging and instrumentation, cell and biomolecular engineering, or computational biomedical engineering), and culminates in a team capstone design experiences. Research, industrial, and clinical internships provide students with novel educational experiences and unique perspectives on biomedical engineering applications. Students are expected to develop an understanding of industrial, research and clinical biomedical engineering environments; and understanding of regulatory issues and biomedical ethics.

Department of Bio-Medical Engineering was established in the year 2011 and is one of the well-built departments of the RVS school of engineering and Technology which offers 4 years Full time program, B.E. in Bio-Medical Engineering. The department consists of a good number of faculty members, who have experience in teaching, industry and research. The faculty members make a good blend of both young and experienced and are well versed with current trends and technologies in the industry. Their sound technical knowledge helps in guiding the students in recent advances in the broad areas of biomedical engineering. The Department has good infrastructure and all facilities for students to pursue their studies with well equipped laboratories. Students are encouraged to do real time projects applicable to industries. There is a separate cell for placement activities with a placement coordinator.

The students are exposed to hospital trainings and taken to industrial visits. The department also has inaugurated an association of biomedical engineers and conduct national level technical symposium, workshops, medical camps and guest lectures for the benefit of the students.


Through its faculty and graduates, the department of biomedical engineering is a driving force in creating engineering knowledge and novel biomedical technology that improve the human condition through the advancement of clinical care and biomedical science.


To promote human health through education and research that bridges the gap between medicine and engineering.